Upload Audio, Video or Documents.
Please fill out the contact form and upload your files.
After you have successfully uploaded your files, Our Web team will approve your uploads and add to the Archive.
Uploading Video
How to Upload Video files
:To upload your video files, Please use the contact form above to add your files, You can upload, MP4, MOV, AVI and MPEG. The file size limits are 200MB, if you have larger files please get in touch with a member of the Support Staff to arrange something.
Uploading Audio
How to Upload Audio files
:1. Please go to the Voice Recorder Audio Website
2. Record and save your Audio File
3. Upload your file using the form above.
4. Submit the Form
2. Record and save your Audio File
3. Upload your file using the form above.
4. Submit the Form
Uploading Doc's
How to Upload Document files
:To upload your Documents, please use the contact form above to upload your files, you can upload docx, doc, PDF, XLS, CSV, PDF, PPS, etc Also if you have many files we recommend you Zip the files and upload the Zip file to here. If you have files larger than the limits then please get in touch with us to arrange something.